October 10, 2011

halloween printing + stitching

busy-busy trying to finish up halloween projects for my etsy shop. i finally finished these halloween capes. this has been a long term project, but i am most pleased with the end result. the capes are 100% handmade from print to stitch. images original to baking with medusa and screen-printed by hand. wish i had documented the printing process. printing prior to garment construction has it's challenges. perhaps next time.

this is a project idea i've had for quite sometime now. I truly love vintage manufactured halloween costumes and the use of print. in these items the garment contruction is simple, but the costume is made by the printed elements. i definitely hope to do more of such projects in the future.

there are three separate styles in both child and adult sizes. more images may be found here on flickr. capes available for purchase in my etsy shop.

halloween cape


October Effigies said...

I love these!!! Been posting links all over. Saving up hoping I can get one before Halloween

micha michelle said...

thanks KK! still trying to finish up all my halloween esty projects. it always takes longer than you think.

Claudia Delgado said...

Wow this is so cool. Beautiful capes!! I just came across your octopus-post on Flickr....it is amazing!! My 5 year old wants to be an octopus this year, and your version is so great!! I'll try to make something along these lines and will also post pictures of my version...would you have any pointers as to how to make the pattern for the headpiece? It looks pretty complicated - any advice would be greatly appreciated :-) Thanks!! (I am "bytehaus" on Flickr)